Tilkynning frá lögreglu
SMS netsvindlið sem við vörðuðum við á föstudag hefur tekið breytingu og er nú gert með að misnota nafn Borgunar. Búast má við að þeir muni koma fram í örðum nöfnum. Að öðru leyti alveg það eins fyrirkomulag. Sjá nákvæmari lýsingu að neðan um samskonar svindl.
The SMS scam we warned about on Friday is now being done misusing the identity of Borgun (was the tax rsk). We can expect this will continue in the next days and in different names, but the attempts are very similar. The victim receives an SMS telling him that he has a refund and they get a link where they are instructed to leave their credit card details.
NEVER register your credit card on a link like this. The information will be stolen and used later. If you have registered contact your credit card issuer and bank and have the card closed and a new one issued.